Coming Out to Play

Painting: "Coming Home" by Amina Re

She’s been hiding

Afraid to come out and play

Really play

The type of play that flowed out of her effortlessly when she was 5

The shoulds and should nots filled her mind

She started trying

Trying to play how others did

Trying to fit in

Forgetting herself in the process

But she discovered that hiding isn’t very fun

It bored her

So slowly, in spaces where she felt safe

With the rocks and the trees

Among the wild ones

Again she started to dance and to sing

Reawakening the creative flow of life that moves through her

And then with those souls that mysteriously crossed her path

Those who wanted to play how she plays

With truth

And allowance


A sense of wonder

Curious to see what would be discovered next

Life started to come alive again

She got her laugh back

Her real laugh

And her smile too

Giddiness and excitement starting to fill her bones

Remembering magic is real

Remembering parts of her long forgotten

That are wise



Even, at times, intimidating

Remembering again and again how little she actually knows

Boldly saying yes to the adventure of her life

Letting the mysteries unfold as they will

Choosing the journey

Living her own fantasy novel

Living her own most epic love story