The Magic of Intimacy


Sweet one


Lay down

And do


All of the magic of life is always in you

Ready to flow through you

You don’t need to try to figure it all out

You don’t need to make it all happen

Moment to moment

Allow each piece

The next layer

The next inspiration

To come

It always will

Allow yourself to be moved

You don’t have to try

It’s that simple

It is your stories and beliefs

That keep you from you

But you are always there


Tell me your desires

Tell me your fears

And tell me your truth

Share all of you

And be right where you are

It is from there

Clarity arises

And you can choose

You can choose you

And let life take you for an incredible ride

Feeling the resistance is part of it

Allowing everything in the way of your dreams to come up to be felt is part of it

Discover what is more important to you than your fears

And allow your desires to inspire you, to move you

As piece by piece

Layer by layer

You remember yourself

The path of intimacy invites us to allow it all, to feel it all

It can turn your world upside down and inside out

But you don’t have to walk alone

And, you’ve got this

You won’t know what is around the next turn

But as you allow more and more of you

Your trust will deepen

The resistance you carry in your body will lessen

You will experience more ease

As you continuously engage with the unknown

And experience your dreams come to life through you and around you

Life will encourage you

You will remember how to play and consciously co-create

And you will delight as things unfold and arise more perfectly than you ever could have imagined

As you remember

You are MAGIC.