Spring Offerings

The Spark! And more...

Dear friends,

We are a few weeks into spring, and signs of new life are budding all around us. Even here in Maui, where I’ll be living for the next couple of months, the few naked trees are starting to flower, the rain is waning, and little chicks can be spotted following their mothers around.

As we settle into this current season of life, I have my own new creations that are starting to sprout. I’m excited to announce my first group program for women, The Spark!

The Spark is a 6-week journey designed to ignite your creative expression and inspire movement towards a life that lights you up! It combines the work I share in my one-on-one intimacy coaching containers with extra creative play and the inspiration and support that comes from journeying together with a community of women all on the courageous path of authenticity.

I’ve extend early bird pricing of $350 until this Tuesday 4/16!

After that, regular pricing is $450.

Two-part payment plans are available for both prices. There are four incredible women inside already, and 5 spots remain for women who are also ready to spark to their aliveness and emerge with more freedom, flow, clarity, creativity, and inspiration!

Weekly calls will take place Sundays at 11am or 12pm PT (Exact call times to be confirmed soon!).

“Through working with Anne, even just for a few weeks I find myself able to lean in more and more to the words, the actions, and the experiences that scare me and light me up. And each time, I feel the beauty of realizing and releasing hidden truths and seeing the way that leads me towards the path of my highest calling—union with myself. Since working with her, my relationships to my intimate partners, friends, family, and colleagues have blossomed with more honesty and integrity. I am realizing dreams that I had long given up on because I did not think they were possible. If you find yourself called to this work, I know Anne can support you on your journey. Trust yourself and dive in.”

- Kristen

“Investing in Anne’s mentorship and coaching was a decision I am so thrilled I made. She allowed me to discover parts of my mind and my heart that I felt were buried. She moved with me through situations while guiding me to explore feelings in a way that lead me to many ‘aha’ moments of self-discovery. Anne has a magical way of supporting personal growth through powerful questions and suggestions, and through exercises I would have never done on my own. I look forward for having more sessions with her and would highly recommend her to anyone who’s ready to dive deep within their soul and find intimate truth.”

- Destinee

We begin on April 28th. To sign up or learn more, check out The Spark page on my website or email me directly at [email protected].   

Ongoing offerings:

In addition to The Spark, I also offer intimacy coaching for individuals and couples.

1) Deep dive into you ($1,600)

This 8-week intensive is my signature offering for new one-on-one clients.

“You are ready to choose you—to fully dive into your depths, with courage and the trust that your truth will take you on the greatest adventure of your life. You believe in possibility and are ready to share your gifts with the world. You are ready to be seen and live a life that feels like magic...because it is.” To learn more head to the offerings page on my website.

2) Deep dive into us ($1,200)

This 8-week program is my core offering for couples. Intimate partnership can be one of the most potent playgrounds for personal growth and expansion as well as discovering how to consciously co-create in ways that optimize the potential a relationship. To learn more head to the offerings page on my website.

3) On-demand coaching for prior clients

Custom intimacy coaching packages to meet your needs, from a drop-in 90min call to on-going weekly, biweekly, or monthly calls.

Are you ready to choose you? I would be honored to support you in discovering yourself, creating intimate and expansive relationships, sharing your authentic expression with the world, and remembering the magic that is you.

 With love, Anne